Chapter 6: Is Divine Forgiveness Available?

Text: The Reason Why Faith Makes Sense by Mark Mittelberg, Tyndale House, Carol Stream IL, 2011. ISBN 978-1-4143-1581-2

After viewing the video A Short Course in Apologetics 6, please read Chapter 6 of the text Is Divine Forgiveness Available? and give short answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the term used to describe salvation on page 73?
  2. What is the point of the story of the broken vase the author offers on pages 74-77?
  3. What is the difference between Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and the story of the whipping boy being punished for the prince’s wrongdoing on pages 78-80?
  4. Couldn’t have God saved humanity another way?
  5. How can one man’s suffering pay the price for the sins of so many people?
  6. How can Jesus’s suffering pay for sins committed in all the years since his death 2000 years ago?
  7. Why didn’t God just create human beings who were incapable of disobedience and sin?
  8. Why does God care so much about a little planet like Earth amid the vastness of the universe?
  9. It may be just in God’s eyes but is it merciful of Him to refuse to take those to heaven who do not accept Jesus’s payment on the cross for their sins? Why can’t He just accept everybody?