Those Troubled Emotions

So many of us—and those around us—struggle with the role of emotions. We question,

  • “Are our feelings to be a guide to lead us into the best path?”
  • “Are we to give our feelings free reign over us? How do we handle them?”
  • “If we don’t follow our emotions, are we being hypocrites?”
  • “Some of us think emotions are the enemy and awful; some say they are everything.”

We hear things like, “If it feels good, do it!” and “Follow your heart (thinking, follow how you feel)!” Is that good counsel? How does the Bible direct us to think about emotions?

This two-part course will introduce God’s views of emotions. In part 1, we see that God has revealed Himself through the Bible so we can view our emotions from His perspective. In part 2, we see we’re not left on our own to figure out how we can be freed from the tyranny of our emotions. God shows us how to understand and deal with them His way. Many additional, suggested resources and footnotes are included.


Virginia Stewart, PhD in Biblical Counseling, is one of the first females in the nation to become a certified biblical counselor. Having counseled biblically for over 30 years. she now leads HOPE Ministries in Nashville, TN where she also teaches IABC* certified training courses. Virginia has a passion for the multiplication ministry, as well as individual and family discipleship and training. This passion has been fueled by watching the Lord transform her own life, as well as others’ lives through Christ-centered ministry in marriage, family, and individual issues, such as conflict resolution, shame, anger, depression, anorexia, fear, anxiety, grief, etc.

Virginia received a Biblical Counseling certificate from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), is certified by IABC and ACBC,** and received her Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana.

*IABC=International Association of Biblical Counselors **ACBC= Association of Certified Biblical Counselors