Exodus 32:31, 32 (NASB)
Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, “Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. But now, if You will, forgive their sin–and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written!”
A Theme to Remember:
The Israelites had committed a terrible sin. During Moses’ absence, they had forged a golden calf and had begun worshiping it. Although Moses was enraged by their idolatry, he also pled with God to spare them from the fullness of His just wrath. Because Moses was a righteous and humble man his prayer was heard and answered.
Words to Remember:
When you attack the roots of sin, fix your thought on the God you desire than on the sin you abhor.
–Walter Hilton