Psalm 23:5 presents God’s solution to people’s conflicts. The deepest wounds and hurts we receive in this life come from people. David writes, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

When God says to you “I’m going to fill your cup to overflowing,” He’s saying, “Don’t go! I want you to stay; you matter to Me.”

You know, it doesn’t matter how much good you do, how large your sacrifice, how great your impact, there is always a naysayer in the crowd, a critic quick to assault and under- mine your efforts! The “bigness” of a person’s character is evident in how they handle these assaults.

At the outset of the American Civil War, a clerk working in the U.S. Patent Office began volunteering to help care for wounded Northern soldiers. She became known among the troops as “the angel of the battlefield.” Her name was Clara Barton (1821-1912).

So significant and efficient was her impact that in 1865 Miss Barton was asked by President Lincoln to lead in the search for the many thousands of Union soldiers missing in action. And so a Bureau of Records was established.

It was Clara Barton who eventually (1881) established the American National Red Cross, serving as its director until 1904. Under her leadership, the organization’s activities extended beyond casualties of war to those suffering from floods, famine, fires, and other disasters.

Even the “the angel of the battlefield” was slandered, receiving deep wounds to the heart. Yet, amazingly, she never seemed to harbor resentments! A friend was talking with Clara one day, recalling to her a cruel thing that someone had done some years earlier. Clara didn’t seem to remember it: “Don’t you remember the wrong that was done to you?” asked the friend.

“No,” answered Clara. “I distinctly remember forgetting that.”

Clara Barton had learned what Psalm 23:5 teaches: Let God settle the score, soothe our wounds, and satisfy our deepest needs. By doing that she was not derailed in her efforts to assist other hurting people. There’s too much at stake for us to do it any other way! Our joy, progress, and effectiveness as believers is affected directly by how we handle the people-conflicts in our life. Psalm 23:5 is a choice; God will honor all who choose to apply it!


Walk in the light: so shalt thou know
That fellowship of love
His Spirit only can bestow
Who reigns in light above.

Walk in the light: and sin abhorred
Shall ne’er defile again;
The blood of Jesus Christ thy Lord
Shall cleanse from every stain.

Walk in the light: and e’en the tomb
No fearful shade shall wear;
Glory shall chase away its gloom,
For Christ has conquered there.

Walk in the light: and thine shall be
A path, though thorny, bright;
For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee,
And God Himself is light.

About the writer: Bernard Barton was born in London in 1784 and was educated at a Quaker school in Ipswich. In 1810 he was employed at a local bank in Suffolk, where he remained forty years. He was the author of 10 small volumes of verse between 1812 and 1845. From these books some twenty pieces have come into common use as hymns. He died in Woodbridge in 1849. His daughter published his Poems and Letters, 1849, after his death.

Key Verse: This is the message he has given us to announce to you: God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. –1 John 1:5