O happy home, where Thou art loved the dearest,
Thou loving Friend and Savior of our race,
And where among the guests there never cometh
One who can hold such high and honored place!
O happy home, where two in heart united
In holy faith and Blessed hope are one,
Whom death a little while alone divideth,
And cannot end the union here begun!
O happy home, whose little ones are given
Early to Thee, in humble faith and prayer,
To Thee, their Friend, Who from the heights of Heaven
Guides them, and guards with more than mother’s care!
Until at last, when earth’s day’s work is ended,
All meet Thee in the Blessed home above,
From whence Thou camest, where Thou hast ascended,
Thy everlasting home of peace and love!
About the writer: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta, a German theologian and poet, was born in Hanover in 1801. He was apprenticed to a watchmaker as a young man. While learning this trade he began the study of languages and, in 1821, entered the University of Gottingen to study theology. After graduating he was engaged as a tutor to a wealthy family for some time. From 1828 until his death he was the popular and successful pastor of several Lutheran Churches. He died in 1859. His Psalter and Harfe, Leipzig, 1833, was translated by Richard Massie in 1860.
Key Verse: Then he brought them into his house and set a meal before them. He and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God. –Acts 16:34