Holy, holy, holy, Lord
God of Hosts, eternal King,
By the heavens and earth adored!

Angels and archangels sing,
Chanting everlastingly
To the Blessed Trinity.

Since by Thee were all things made,
And in Thee do all things live,
Be to Thee all honor paid;

Praise to Thee let all things give;
Singing everlastingly
To the Blessed Trinity.

Cherubim and seraphim
Veil their faces with their wings;
Eyes of angels are too dim

To behold the King of kings,
While they sing eternally
To the Blessed Trinity.

Hallelujah! Lord, to Thee
Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Godhead one, and Persons three,

Join we with the heavenly host,
Singing everlastingly
To the Blessed Trinity.

About the writer: Christopher Wordsworth was born in Lambeth, England in 1807. At Trinity College, Cambridge he won numerous university honors before graduating in 1830. In 1836 he became headmaster of Harrow School and was later appointed a canon of Westminster, in 1844. He was appointed Bishop of Lincoln in 1869, which office he held for fifteen years, resigning only a few months before his death in 1885. He was a nephew of the poet William Wordsworth. He was a voluminous writer, among his works being a Commentary on the Whole Bible (1856-1870), a Church History (1881-1883), and a volume of hymns titled The Holy Year. He wrote over 125 hymns in his lifetime.

Key Verse: In a great chorus they sang, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty! The whole earth is filled with his glory!” –Isaiah 6:3