Some of the most immature Christians I’ve known could quote Scripture and defend doctrine, yet were unloving, self-righteous, and judgmental.
Shortly after graduating from seminary, I was a candidate at a little Bible church in Southern CA. After my “trial run” sermon a guy named Phil came up and asked, “What do you believe about tongues?” I said, “Frankly, I’m not really sure at this time. I haven’t really grappled with that subject yet. I intend to, though.”
He said, “You mean to tell me you don’t understand the most basic of all New Testament doctrines? I can’t believe this!”
And he went on and on… Now folks, I had just delivered my sermon to determine my qualification to join the pastoral staff. Do you think I needed this? This guy was inconsiderate, unloving, self-righteous, and judgmental — and he could quote the Bible and recite doctrine like nobody else!
Honestly, the last thing some Christians need is another Bible study! What they need is a kick in the spiritual rear end accompanied by a loving admonition to “Grow up or shut up!”